I’m Liesel, the book restorer that lives between the mountains and oceans of Cape Town, South Africa. I restore books from all over South Africa.


About Liesel

Poet, artist, dog trainer and lover of books. Not just for content but also for their esthetic, historical, sentimental, etc. value.

I have worked on books, hundreds of years old. And also on Bibles, simply passed down from grandparent to grandchild. 

I did a course on book restoration but would say I am mostly self taught. 

I've also offered courses (see course section for details) through the University of Stellenbosch and privately. 


About Book Restoration

Quite simply, book restoration is the art of breathing fresh air into an old book through replicating and improving on original techniques and the use of specific materials. - Using materials contemporary with the book in order to go back to it's original binding and appearance while also ensuring that it will last for centuries to come. 

Many of the books I work on are of great monetary value. Such books must be restored and not simply repaired in order not to detract from its value. 

I also restore documents, maps and other paper items.



books restored


courses delivered


dogs keep me company



Examples of my work is in the gallery.


Contact Me

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